Monday, September 21, 2009

Generate income from A.W.Surveys

Welcome to A.W.Surveys!

Welcome to this lens. Here I want to show you what is A.W.Surveys is all about, how to create income from this website and step-by-step to redeem your income.
What is A.W.Surveys
Overview of A.W.Surveys
A.W.Surveys is one of many internet website which will pay you when you write your suggestions and comment on their website. This website will give you any websites for you to read and give comments about it. For every comment that you write, you will be given certain amount of income as appreciation. This website is not scam website. You will really get paid on your comments that you make. One of interesting features is that the amount of money that they paid is quite good. But as usual, you still need to do some work before you can achieve the redemption level to get the payment. The lowest level of cut-off payment is $75. Even though the payment is quite high, you can still achieve if you put some effort into it.
Generate income from A.W.Surveys
Step-by step to earn money:
Here I want to share with you some strategy on how to generate income from this website.

1. First you have to signup. The signup fee is FREE OF CHARGE
2. Then you have to start answer some questions in order to start generate income. The survey form will provide amount from $1 up to $6 per question form
3. Now you can start accumulate your wealth using this website. But every website has their tricks. For this website, they only provide question where the maximum income from answering are around $25 to $30. The other income need to get by referring this website to others.
4. Now the hard part begins. In order to achieve redemption level of $75, you need another $50 dollars just by referring to your friends. Using math, for every refer you will be paid $1.25. So in order to get $50, you need to refer to at least 40 new members. That's quite difficult.
5. So this website needs you to give extra effort to gain income. But anyhow, this website is better compare to other websites in term of cash payout. So let's give it a try! Good luck!